0 K R O Y 0 W E N 0 K R O W T E N 0 S T R A 0 E V I T A R O B A L L O C
0 K R O Y 0 W E N 0 K R O W T E N 0 S T R A 0 E V I T A R O B A L L O C 0

Organized and curated by Sarah SchulmanFirst Mondays makes good use of one of the great advantages of living in New York City: engaging with writers in the middle of the creative process and hearing new ideas as they are being created instead of waiting years for books to appear on bookstore shelves. First Mondays allows us to share in accomplished writers’ processes as they are happening and gives us an intimate insight into their new works in-progress, long before publication or performances. Join us every first Monday at Performance Space New York for a special opportunity to hear the future and revel in a vibrant community of book-lovers.

For more than 5 years, First Mondays has brought readers and writers together to celebrate the written word from diverse perspectives and genres, all for free.